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52 tuotetta


Wristband7 BlackWristband7 Black
Wristband7 Black Alennushinta179 kr
Wristband7 GreyWristband7 Grey
Wristband7 Grey Alennushinta179 kr
Säästä 50 krWristband7 NavyWristband7 Navy
Wristband7 Navy Alennushinta129 kr Normaali hinta179 kr
LoppuunmyytyWristband7 WhiteWristband7 White
Wristband7 White Alennushinta179 kr

Get your game on

Featherlight shoes for maximum performance

As a badminton player lightness, agility and grip are three key factors for success. Put a pair of Kanso on your feet and feel the lightness combined with an amazing grip that together will bring you agility as you have never experienced it before. Your opponent won't know what hit them.