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Artikel: Göteborg Kanso Open 2024

Göteborg Kanso Open 2024

Göteborg Kanso Open 2024


Between the 11th and 13th of October, the Kanso Gothenburg Open will be held at Landala Squash Center, attracting players from around the world. We at Kanso Sports are thrilled to sponsor the tournament!

As part of the Swedish Tour’s Satellite series, the Kanso Gothenburg Open offers divisions for all skill levels—from leisure players to elite competitors. Satellite competitions represent the entry-level tier of the PSA (Professional Squash Association), a stage where rising talents often emerge, eager to earn points and ascend to larger tournaments.

"We are excited to return to Landala Squash Center for another edition of this tournament, and even more so to have Kanso Sports on board! I’m looking forward to witnessing top-quality squash and meeting the next generation of stars ready to conquer the World Tour," says Viktor Högberg, a key organizer of the event.

The tournament promises a dynamic mix of thrilling matches and an international atmosphere, with players from various countries competing in one of Swedish Squash’s premier events. Throughout the weekend, Landala Squash Center will be a vibrant hub for both participants and spectators. Matches and tournament highlights will be available to enjoy courtside or through Swedish Squash and Landala Squash social media channels.


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Press release: Kanso Sports and Täby FC enters 4 year long partnership

Press release: Kanso Sports and Täby FC enters 4 year long partnership

Kanso Sports och Täby FC inleder 4-årigt samarbete   Täby FC väljer att spela i skor från det nya varumärket Kanso Sports den kommande säsongen. ”Efter en tids dialog känns det väldigt spännande at...
